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Refresh Profile
Trey Murphy III
Base Set (2023-24)
Common #7743 / 8000
FastBreakV1 #238594024518955
FastBreakV1 #104453605921859
FastBreakV1 #34084861740319
FastBreakV1 #107752140800466
Isaiah Joe
Base Set (Series 7)
Common #7462 / 8000
Purchase Price
Fair Market Value (FMV)
An estimate of an NFT's value based on OTM's True Value model. FMV is an estimate and is in no way meant to construe financial advice.
Deni Avdija
Common #3901 / 8000
FastBreakV1 #194613559403272
FastBreakV1 #206708187291954
FastBreakV1 #50577536146738
Jolly Joker #4680
FastBreakV1 #109951164051653
Jared McCain
Rookie Debut (Series 7)
Common #785 / 4000
FastBreakV1 #204509164032257
FastBreakV1 #129742373354433
FastBreakV1 #4398047775323
FastBreakV1 #175921861704520
Yves Missi
Common #3712 / 4000
Dennis Smith Jr.
Base Set (Series 3)
Common #34414 / 60000
Ty Jerome
Common #54635 / 60000
Jordan Nwora
Common #57283 / 60000
Reggie Bullock
Common #28229 / 60000
Carlton Carrington
Common #2882 / 4000
FastBreakV1 #258385233786418